Anti-Freeze Bootcamp


By Appointment

Empower Balance Therapy & Wellness
4000 Waynesville Road
Waynesville, OH 45068

This intensive, research based, program is designed specifically for those experiencing freezing of gait. If you ever feel like your foot gets stuck to the floor, experience trembling in your leg, or have trouble starting or continuing movement, this is the program for you. People with Parkinson’s who experience freezing of gait require more frequent and personalized exercise than their peers who do not experience freezing. Anti-Freeze Bootcamp is an effective way to get both so you can keep moving your best between rounds of physical therapy. This program is taught by Lindsey Hershberger, a physical therapist who started her own business offering rehab and specialized exercise for people with Parkinson's Disease. Lindsey has a doctorate degree in physical therapy, over a decade of experience specializing in Parkinson's, and has completed PWR! and LSVT BIG training.


ContactLindsey Hershbeger.