Cincinnati Area PD Exercise Offerings

Exercise is so important for those with PD. "...most PD experts now agree that exercise is as beneficial for PD as any medication they can prescribe."

Parkinson Support & Wellness Executive Director Chris Gaffney and Assistant Director Julia Burks have a conversation over Zoom with Elizabeth Grover, a Cincinnati PD exercise connoisseur. They discuss Elizabeth’s experience with various PD modalities and how PSW supports that. Elizabeth has been involved with PSW since our beginning and loves to exercise! She says, "I know what I am doing for myself... is the best I can do for myself... It's psychologically helpful as well."

Timestamps for specific topics discussed:

  • Elizabeth’s thoughts on what PSW provides - 1:23

  • Elizabeth tells us about the classes she takes each week - 2:10

  • Why did Elizabeth select the classes she did? - 3:30

  • Benefits Elizabeth receives from taking these classes - 4:07

  • Adam McGee's classes - 7:10

  • Message Elizabeth would give to someone who has not used PSW's exercise webpage - 9:00

  • The importance of fundraising so PSW can expand on supported programming - 11:05