The Benefits of Journaling for PWPs

How many of you wrote in a diary growing up? Journaling is very similar to keeping a diary but there are so many different types of journaling to explore! There are many benefits to journaling. It helps reduce stress, keeps your memory engaged, boosts your mood and strengthens your emotional functions (source). 

Join us virtually on September 17 for our program on creative journaling to aid you through your Parkinson's journey. In the program, we will dive deeper into the benefits of journaling. You will learn different approaches to journaling and also different kinds of journaling! Near the end, we will do a group exercise together. 

With our journaling expert, Cheryl Wirtley, we will dive into why one with PD should journal and the benefits of journaling. Cheryl Wirtley has found solace from journaling in her journey with PD. So much so, that she started a blog. There she showcases her wonderful poetry and other findings! To learn more about your presenter, please read her “My Parkinson Story” blog post.

Each participant who signs up will be mailed a journal in advance (thanks to Supernus). To receive a journal via mail, please sign up by September 9. You may pick up your journal at the Parkinson Support & Wellness office (or have it mailed to you, but delivery will not guaranteed by September 17).