Volunteer at Spring Forum

On April 1 we are hosting our next The Harvey Chyette 2023 Spring Educational Forum from 9:30-2pm. We are in need of volunteers to help us make sure the event runs smoothly. We hope you might consider helping us! 

There are two specific shifts we need volunteers for: 9:30–10:30am and 9am–1:30pm. From 9:30–10:30am we need volunteers to help direct parking and run our registration table. From 9am–1:30pm we need volunteers who are able to assist as ushers.

Volunteers are welcome to stay and enjoy both the program and lunch free of charge. We will have 3 presentations hosted that day: 'Senior Housing 101' by Stuart Solomon from Senior Care Partners; 'A Focus In Elder Law' by Eva Hager from The Law Practice of Dennison Keller LLC; and 'Navigating Insurance' by Mike Hoffman from Mariner Health Consulting. Additionally, the program includes two exercise breaks, an exhibition hall, and a Q&A session hosted by Maureen Gartner, NPC.

Please email Julia Burks at jburks@parkinsoncincinnati.org if you are interested in volunteering!