Traveling with PD | Part 3

By Mary Beth Bialick, LSW

I have so often thought our PD community is a wealth of information and support on so many levels and the last two posts in this series, written by Sara Penhale (read Parts 1, and 2 here) are an excellent example. We often hear that folks with PD are like snowflakes in that each and every one is different. And yes, everyone's personal PD experience is different, but there are similarities and being able to share experiences and learn from others in our PD community is a gift.  

Getting a diagnosis of PD can be a long and frustrating experience often involving many doctor visits and months or even sometimes years. Finally having a name and reason for symptoms can bring a sense of relief and knowing what you are facing and a sense of loss, fear and grief. All these emotions are normal. 

Getting a diagnosis like PD can also bring about a desire to live NOW. A feeling that life should be enjoyed and embraced while we are able to do so. The time to evaluate a personal “bucket list” is NOW. Everyone has a personal and often quirky bucket list but many, many lists include travel. The information Sara shared is encouraging. You can still travel with PD, especially with her tips to make it easier, and you can always reach out to Parkinson Support & Wellness for more information.  

Through our support groups, PD EDU programs, and making new allies on the PD journey, challenges can be faced knowing you aren't alone.