
My Parkinson Story | Carrie King

My Parkinson Story | Carrie King

My entire life I was daddy’s little girl. My dad was the bravest, funniest, smartest, most hardworking, cleverest, handiest man I ever knew. He taught me so many things. I remember the day he and mom came home from the doctor and told my brother and I about his diagnosis. I was shocked and scared. I had no idea what to expect, but it sounded bad.

My Parkinson Story | Dave Ebner

My Parkinson Story | Dave Ebner

Five years ago, when I was diagnosed with PD, I wrote an article for the PSW newsletter. The tile was “My New Reality”. I expected the diagnosis, as our son had been dealing with Parkinson’s for about 15 years, and as a volunteer with the Parkinson Support & Wellness Organization, I had many opportunities to learn about PD. I knew too much about the symptoms I was experiencing. At least I did not have to deal with denial.