Journaling PD Edu

Did you miss our Journaling PD EDU? No worries! Here is a summary of our last PD EDU, along with the recording of our program. Enjoy! 

There are many reasons for someone to journal. It helps to process emotions, such as the feelings having PD or someone you love having PD brings.  It is a space without judgment to declutter your mind. Also a great place to document events, such as medical ones. Our PD-EDU emphasized the importance of people with Parkinson’s process their feelings. Journaling is a place to do that work.  

Journaling helps reduce stress, keeps your memory engaged, boosts your mood and strengthens your emotional functions ( In a 2006 study, around 100 young adults were asked to spend 15 minutes journaling (or draw) about a stressful event, or writing about their plans for the day, twice during one week. They saw reduction in symptoms like depression, anxiety, and hostility, particularly if they were very distressed to begin with.80% of the participants had seldom journaled about their feelings and only 61% were comfortable doing so. ( 

There are so many different kinds of journaling to explore. There is gratitude journaling, which helps you shift your mindset. There is medical journaling, so you don’t have to try to remember your symptoms when with your doctor or looking for a pattern in what’s going on. There are many different kind of medical journaling, such as habit tracking, monthly review, medication tracker, symptom tracker and medical expenses.

You can journal about your emotions. Scribble out your anger! Write about something that makes you happy! Pour your anxieties out in a journal. Also there is the art journal, a space to play and embrace your inner child! The above was explored in our PD EDU. 

There are many different kinds - just have to do some research and give it a try to see what kind of journaling you like! Also it is easy to get started. Pick a journal and decide what kind of journaling you like to try. Maybe treat yourself to a nice new pen. There are weighted pens for people with tremors. Are you not comfortable with writing? Type it out! Or talk it out loud and record yourself. Get creative! Some individuals many find journaling to be difficult at first but practice makes improvement! Anyone can do this and you can put anything in a journal.  

If you are concerned about anyone reading it, establish boundaries with your loved ones. This is your space. 

Need help getting started? Try one of these prompts”

  • “What are 3 things you are grateful for right now?” 

  • “What is a favorite memory of yours from your childhood?”

  • “Journal about your perfect day” 

Another journal prompt to try in the “I am poem” - this prompt is brought by Supernus Pharmaceuticals. This is a great prompt to do alone or with a group. Supernus Pharmaceuticals and – are encouraging support group leaders to do this with their groups. Click here to download the “I am poem toolkit” to learn more and get started. 

If you want to give it a go now, here is the “I am poem” prompt below. 

Those community members who wish to submit their I Am!™ poems for inclusion in the 2023 World Parkinson Congress tulip exhibit may do so by visiting PMD Alliance’s website. 

Special thanks to Supernus Pharmaceuticals for sponsoring our journaling program. 

We hope you enjoy your journaling journey!