Parkinson's Support & Wellness hosted a Support Group Facilitator Training program in early July for folks who may be interested in starting a new support group in their geographic area.
Traveling with PD | Part 3
Caregiver's Corner: Valentine's Day
February can be a gray and dreary month in Ohio with the holiday rush behind us and Spring still several weeks away. Valentine's Day offers an opportunity to celebrate and recognize loved ones. Many special people can be acknowledged with a valentine wish— from a parent, to a friend, to a co-worker, to a physical therapist. Traditionally we think of romantic relationships as the true celebrants on Valentine's Day. So I have been pondering romantic and intimate relationships when navigating life with PD.
Caregiver's Corner: Thanksgiving
In thinking about a blog post this month I cannot help but think of Thanksgiving. It is so easy to think about the negatives of a Parkinson’s diagnosis for the person with PD and for their surrounding circle of family and friends. I want to stop and consider is there anything about a PD diagnosis that perhaps one can be thankful for or appreciate?
Facing the Journey with PD Together
Support Groups
Support groups are a safe space where individuals can come together to share their stories and experiences with others. Support groups are focused around a common concern; in this case Parkinson's Disease. Support group content is driven by the folks who are attending the group with the assistance of a group facilitator.